Who am I?
This kid who grew up in China who loved to try everything
Things haven't changed that much (maybe a bit more hair)
David Zheng (郑明远) is a multidisciplinary artist, photographer, and filmmaker. In his art, he focuses on the practice of classical techniques from different cultures, and he also experiments with modern technologies and their intersection with traditions.
Notable exhibits: Asheville Art Museum, Black Mountain College Museum, The Study at Yale (Hotel), Schwarzman Center, Center for Collaborative Arts and Media
Notable Clients: Yale Hospitality, Yale University Art Gallery, Yale Politics Initiative, Yale Alumni Association, CS50
Awards: Gordon Summer Journalism Fellowship, Schwarzman Center Inaugural Exhibition Commission, The Michael Coe-Grant for Archaeology, Richter Fellowship for Independent Study, The Center for Collaborative Arts and Media Studio Fellowship, Scholastics Regional Art Award (Gold & Silver Key),
The Globalist Photo Contest (1st Place), Ezra Stiles Film Festival (Best Actor)
Notable exhibits: Asheville Art Museum, Black Mountain College Museum, The Study at Yale (Hotel), Schwarzman Center, Center for Collaborative Arts and Media
Notable Clients: Yale Hospitality, Yale University Art Gallery, Yale Politics Initiative, Yale Alumni Association, CS50
Awards: Gordon Summer Journalism Fellowship, Schwarzman Center Inaugural Exhibition Commission, The Michael Coe-Grant for Archaeology, Richter Fellowship for Independent Study, The Center for Collaborative Arts and Media Studio Fellowship, Scholastics Regional Art Award (Gold & Silver Key),
The Globalist Photo Contest (1st Place), Ezra Stiles Film Festival (Best Actor)
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